Friday 28 October 2011


It's almost farcical to think that you can forever be happy in life. No feeling can, or ever will last forever no matter how much money, talent or self-belief you have. You're only human, after all. As pessimistic as that all may sound, it often helps to be a realist where emotions are concerned. For some apparent reason emotions, even though it's said we cannot control them, drive everything; from that bad day at work because your boss majorly woke up on the wrong side of his king size bed, to the little playground spats as a child where the boy from the class next door decided that losing his pokemon card was your fault; and thus proceeded to take it out on you for the remainder of the day.

So more to my point, the most famous of the emotions out there is the one that everyone craves. Yes, love is desired by all, especially those that claim they don't want to be in love. In actual fact the biggest cliché in the history of mankind is love itself.

'Love conquers all'

Really? I can't imagine cupid beating many people in a fight. But on a more serious note, love can be so, so brilliant. It's quite easily the most intense and exciting feeling that you can experience, from that first kiss when you realise you're falling for that special person to that moment where they break it off because 'it's not working'. Love is a feeling you cannot shake; as if it's an emotional shroud around you grasping at your every movement, coursing through your body with every beat of your heart. Almost like a drug, love can make your heart pulsate in ways you could never understand, then it can make your stomach do backflips until you feel so queasy you almost can't take it anymore. Love makes you feel happy when you're at your worst, but it can also bring you to lows you never thought you could experience.

For it is also true that love comes hand in hand with other emotions, trust and jealousy to name a few. When emotions get together and gang up on you, that's when you truly lose a bit of self-control. You wonder how a feeling that your own body has created can make you shudder with joy but at the same time feel rage that you never thought your body could even contemplate. That moment where you feel your stomach has suddenly lifted to the top of your chest (you know the one I mean) can mean so many different things. Of course, to fall in love with someone you must be lucky, for in most cases you're loved back and if that's the case then it can make you feel like nothing else will ever matter. Love encapsulates almost everything you can give to someone. From the single rose you buy in the cheesiest manner for them, to that grand gesture of a proposal in front of hundreds of people, love makes you do actions you never would even think about doing for other people.

Everyone wants to be loved, and thus everyone must want to also love somebody else too. Therefore, to put it frankly, love is quite simply the most unforgettable feeling anyone will experience.

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